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Welcome to the Student Portal

The premium content will remain locked, however if you see a seminar in the future or think you have a password you can ask your teacher for it.

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This content is restricted to students who had an Elevate seminar at their school.

Please enter your presenter's password to gain access.

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If you have seen an Elevate seminar at your school, your teacher will have your password to the premuim resources.

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Top 18 Apps a student shouldn't live without

Our top picks for apps that help make study life easier!



Be different. 

Books + Planners

Short-term planner

Does this goal scare you? Like a mountain climber staring up at the summit, it is easy to get demotivatoed by our goals. Here's how to make it more manageable.


5 most common exam mistakes!

Have you made these common errors?


Are you getting enough sleep?

Losing sleep in the lead up to exams can be more harmful to your marks than you think...


Cornell Note-taking systems

Check out this system for note-taking that will save you time and improve your memory!


Are you making this productivity mistake?

How do you measure your productivity? Are you the sort of person who tells your friends, "man, i studied for 3 hours last night?"

Video the bathroom?

We all spend a lot of time there... why not use it to your advantage?


Speeding up study without cramming

Not much time until exams? Use these simple stpes to get the essentials done in time!